marketing strategies

The most common misconception often coming to the fore when revamping or building a brand development strategy can be a lengthy, expensive, and cumbersome process. Any branding strategy must be dealt with during the firm’s formative years. 

That need not always be the case. The firm’s stakeholders can decide on an overhaul of the brand development strategy and can initiate it at any stage of the company’s life cycle.

In today’s world dealing with constant change, existing firms cannot afford to be impervious to branding development strategies that are always in flux and must be tweaked constantly to remain relevant. 

All firms, from big conglomerates to small businesses, are frequently reviewing their brand strategies and repositioning, recreating, and refreshing their brands due to changing trends, demographics, and consumer preferences.

Particularly if you are running a professional services firm, you need to be willing to refurbish your brand to reflect an outlook that resonates with what your consumers want. Any brand that wishes to evolve and grow positively needs to consider this.

When you eventually give the go-ahead to any rebranding initiatives, you must know that it need not be a long-drawn, flamboyant or expensive job. All it needs is the right formula, and success will be but a step away.

If you are in the market for a brand strategy service in Hyderabad or a brand strategy company in Hyderabad, feel free to look up our firm, TRD Studios.

Brand Development Defined

Brand development hinges on creating and strengthening your professional services brand. The process of developing the brand can be divided into three phases.

Phase #1: Get your brand strategy perfected and aligned with your business objectives.

Phase #2: Develop the tools you require to communicate your brand, which includes the logo, tagline, and website if any.

Phase 3#: The final is all about consolidating your newly developed or revamped brand.  

A brand development strategy is the steps taken to accomplish these tasks. Are you looking for a brand strategy company in Hyderabad? Let our specialized team of branding experts at TRD Studios, providing exceptional brand strategy service in Hyderabad, help you organize and quell any doubts about a brand development strategy.

To help you comprehend better, the brand development strategy has been bifurcated into ten easy-to-follow steps.

  1. Outline your Goals:

A set of well-defined business goals will help create an appropriate business strategy. It is crucial to be clear about what you are aiming to achieve. It can be anything from increased visibility to creating a new brand image or looking to gain customers. Be sure to clearly outline your goals before beginning to work on developing a brand strategy.

  1.  Identify Your Target Clients:

Who are your target clients? Saying everybody is a relatively common mistake made by most firms. Our research clearly shows that high-growth, high-profit firms focus on having clearly defined clients they wish to target. To ensure faster growth, you must narrow your focus to a specific client demographic. 

If you maintain a diverse target audience, it will dilute your market efforts. So, the big question now is how to identify the right client group. Now onto the next step.

  1.  Research Your Target Clients:

Firms initiating and carrying out sustained, systematic research on their target client group realize faster growth, and their profitability grows more rapidly. Ideally, this research should be conducted once every quarter to see sustained results.

Research helps you evaluate your target client’s priorities, anticipate their needs, and get your message across in a tone that resonates with them.

  1.  Develop Your Brand Positioning:

At this stage, you are now ready to determine your firm’s brand positioning within the professional services marketing sphere. This is also referred to as market positioning. 

You need to have answers about how your firm is different from the multitude of others and why would potential clients from within your target audience choose to work with you.

A positioning statement should be drafted in a way that captures the essence of your brand positioning and typically would be anywhere between three to five sentences in length. 

The statement should be grounded in reality as the onus of delivering what you promise will be on you. Exuding an aspirational tone to an extent would be acceptable as it will give you something to strive for.

  1. Create Your Name/Logo/Tagline:

Creating a tagline that will always gel with your overall content strategy is imperative. A new name will just be an embellishment if you are already an established firm. If your organization bears a name that no longer suits the brand, modifying the name could be just what the doctor ordered. 

A logo and tagline are just a largely symbolic representation of your company. To make it relatable and authentic to your consumers, you must personify it and make it into something they can empathize with.

  1. Develop the Voice of your Brand/ Create a Content Strategy

Once all the essentials have been figured out, it’s time to work. Now you’ve got to create the content, the personality, the voice, and everything else that your brand may stand for. This is where all the action happens. Your brand is more than the service you’re offering, and it’s also how your service makes your audience feel. The experience they have when utilizing your service builds your brand. 

A brand’s strength lies in its reputation and visibility. Increasing visibility without strengthening reputation is rarely successful. That’s where traditional advertising that rallies on awareness-building yields often disappointing results.

On the other hand, content marketing can increase both reputation and visibility simultaneously. 

  1. Establishing an Online Presence

Having excellent online visibility is vital for professional services. Creating an informative and well-structured website is the most lucrative branding and marketing tool. By default, all prospective clients look towards leveraging the internet to learn about what your company offers.

Your website will also store the content about your business that should be the focus of your search engine optimization efforts that will enable your prospects, potential employees, and referrals to find you and learn about what your firm does. Online content is a vital tool for any brand development strategy.

  1.  Promote Through Social Media:

It can be stated beyond a shadow of a doubt that social media is the most potent promotion channel available at our disposal. An average person spends at least two hours online every day browsing, looking for any information they may need. 

Identify the social media channel that is likely to be a source of potential leads for you and work to build a social media strategy that opens a channel of communication with them. 

  1. Try to Personalize Your Communication

Be sure to humanize your brand communication. Show empathy to your consumers. Avoid sounding robotic and over-enthusiastic. People would more likely value and trust a brand that sees them as real people. 

  1. Be Consistent:

After all the hard work you’ve put in to create the right brand personality, voice, image, and communication, avoid running it with carelessness and inconsistency. 

Working diligently to maintain brand assets and communication through different channels will go a long way in meeting the goals of the business concern. It would augur well to make sure that your employees follow your lead.

Create a rulebook for them to follow regarding your brand’s Dos and Don’t. This will help preserve your brand value and image without losing its core.


A straightforward messaging strategy must be followed with your various stakeholders, regardless of their relationship with your business. They may be clients, partners, influencers, or potential employees. The message may be put across with different emphasis and focus depending on the nature of the interaction. 

Once implemented, be sure to evaluate your strategy to gauge its results and benefits. Ask yourself if the implementation went according to plan and how many new leads, partnering opportunities, and employee applications were generated. If the results aren’t satisfactory, you may need to tweak the strategy to give better results. 

There you have it! A formula for a successful brand development strategy for your professional services company. When you get the basics right, the need to invest in high-cost and low-return strategies that don’t deliver on their promises will be a thing of the past. 

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